Joey Fatone, Lance Bass, Justin Timberlake, JC Chasez, and Chris Kirkpatrick at the 2023 MTV 2023 MTV Video Music Awards (Photo: Andrew H. Walker/Shutterstock)
Full post here on LG. All five members of *NSYNC, which includes SAG members Justin Timberlake, Lance Bass, and Joe Fatone, have been promoting their new single from the Trolls sequel. Scabbing or nah?
This is about visibility. So many actors have limited or completely restricted their visibility with their acting projects, unless there's been an interim agreement issued by the union, over the last couple of months. Look at what happened at the festivals. Chris Pine directed a film, his first feature film!, and didn't show up in Toronto to promote it, when he could have, technically, in his role as a director. Instead he was on a boat in Italy, LOL.
Justin Timberlake has been quiet for months. Then, two months before the release of the Trolls movie, we get this *NSYNC reunion because they've recorded a new song. And even though they're not talking about the movie, they are VISIBLE. He is VISIBLE. For a PURPOSE. Because I think we all know by now he's not hanging out with Chris, Lance, JC, and Joey out of the goodness of his heart.
Yeah a song of theirs is literally in the Trolls movie trailer. The link to them is very there. The song will be on the movie soundtrack....which is part of the movie promo..I think this is on the line but not a great look.
The narrative that Justin doesn't give his bandmates the time of day is false, they have always been in touch and it's actually been JC reluctance to put himself out there that has held up a reunion not Justin, anyone who has listened to Lance's podcasts knows this.
It's *Nsync reuniting, one of the biggest pop acts in history whose reunion people have been speculating about for decades, you expect people not to be talking about it? And it is Nsync people are talking about few know or care that the song is for a Trolls film. The band aren't mentioning it and if anything their reunion is such a huge deal for a certain generation (not the films target demographic) that it completely overshadows any film that follows it months down the line.
As a mature adult in your 30s you revelled in Britneys breakdown and humiliated her on a daily basis, you apologised only when called out, good for you. Justin was an insensitive jerk to her as young man and like you he apologised for it when called out. You do not have any moral highground. Anyone with your history who had a grain of self respect or self awareness would drop the sanctimony and let Timberlake get on with it and leave calling him out to those who didn't join in on bullying and degrading Britney and Janet. Your blog needs to be respectfully sitting that one out.
Posts like that today that are so nonsensical and reaching to find any possible stick to beat Timberlake with are embarassing for you.
Out of curiosity, did you pay to come on here and continually shame Lainey or is it just this topic that is so upsetting for you? I mean that genuinely, because you seem to hold a lot of anger - maybe you should stop engaging with Lainey’s content entirely if it’s that upsetting for you. It might improve your life to follow more things on that make you happy rather than mad.
No I did not pay to come on here. What a bizzare question. She linked to this platform in her Nsync post and invited everyone to come join the discussion. I did as she asked.
But please keep defending someone that said of Janet post Superbowl
"Ghetto tits, ghetto weave, ghetto belt, ghetto colour combination - Miss Jackson is canneling Tara Reid. And it is breaking my heart. I also wish she could move past the
90s. The fat- -fit ponytail is SO OVER. By the way - is it just me or does she look like she just got another nose job? Is there a self mutilating gene that runs in this family or something?" 2006
"Seriously. I felt badly for Janet Jackson. I mean it`s Janet Jackson, right? She released a new
album this year which has totally unperformed, it's been all Mimi and Madonna
and no Damita Jo, and she showed up on the
carpet tonight and all of us on the press line
were like - oh yeah, Janet Jackson. Sure let's
get her if we can, but not if it means missing
JLo or Tomkat or Scarlett or the Olsens or Posh....and ľ'm telling you, the list went on and
on. For some reason, somehow, Janet Jackson has become a "nice to have" but not a "MUST have".
Sucks to be Janet." 2008
"Or perhaps they do. With Janet Jackson, seen leaving the Teen Choice Awards, replacing Tawn . Because how else do you explain this weave? Seriously explain it!
Explain to me how someone could possibly suggest this, and then explain to me how someone else can second it. And worse still - explain to me how she could possibly say
yes: yes I WANT my hair to look likethat
Explain it to me!. I've been staring at this for half an hour and I still don't get it. image is
everything these days. Janet's album is trailing in hype behing Mhariah and Madonna
Looking like this isn't going to help, I don't care how much yoyo weight she's lost this time"
They didn't mention Trolls once, the host gave the single the briefest of mentions and didn't even mention what it's called or when it's available to download. This was all about the band and their history. Probably 5% of people watching are even aware the reunion is attached to Trolls. In fact Lainey in ner article gave Trolls more publicity than any Nsync member has. This is an embarrassing take from Lainey.
I mean, if you want to throw shame at people I suppose that is your choice. But look at the poll above. Isn’t the bigger take away that most people feel like Lainey does? It might be a good time to read the room and maybe try some diplomacy so your ideas can spur more discussion instead of dumping a big ole pile of shame/shit on it.
As is stumping for Lainey the woman who wrote of Britney
"Britney was pulled over for speeding this weekend while driving to Vegas. Amazingly enough, she wasnt drunk driving. Even more
amazing. her outfit. lt's a new classic.
Still the outfit I can handle. It's the fingernail biting that grosses me out. I realise it`s a habit, that many people can't help it. But look at her. Look at her so helpless and stupid and capable of nothing but shoving her fingers in her mouth while being questioned by police.
And remember, this twat is mother to two children."
Oof that's rough to read in 2023. I am forgiving of Lainey in this case because back in the early aughts I delightedly read this kind of garbage - just like many people who over the years matured into feminists and allys. It doesn't undo how icky the writing is but the writing also doesn't negate the subsequent growth.
So here is the thing with that line of thought, it wasn't "just writing" the media was one of the biggest contributing factors to Britney ending up in the state she did.
They hounded her and piled on her when she was at her most vulnerable, they stood around and laughed and made sure as many people as possible could gawp.
This isn't an oopsie this was the conscious decision of adults to be cruel instead of compassionate. What they did was no better than what Justin did.
Those adults in 2023 don't get to brush all that away with a "sorry I've grown" while continuing to pile on someone else who has apologised and "grown" It's giving hypocrisy and a lack of accountability.
Justin was a piece of shit back then. But he is also a convienent scape goat for a media who were culpable but want to cling on to their careers.
If your reaction to reading that in 2007 was anything other than being angry and appaled then you don't have any right to be criticising anyone.
Most people who read Laineys blog agree with Lainey is hardly a damning indictment. It's called a partial audience.
Accountability is not shaming.
Lainey bullied both Britney and Janet for years, she used the most foul and disgusting language to talk about both women (and other women too) when they were at their most vulnerable. When they were down she made a choice to kick them.
She only apologised when shamed into it. That apology is not pinned to the top of her blog as it should be so that all traffic to her site can make an informed choice of whether to read on or not. She is hiding her past hoping people will forget what she did.
I'll quote one of Laineys blogs about Britney, written as she was going through a public and traumatic breakdown.
"Once upon a time, my loins might have desired Justin Timberlake. Not for long, but for a few weeks there, it turned me on that he possessed Britney's flower. It would have
been cool to be with the dude that plucked her poon.....Whatever flames there were flickering in my
private zone were quickly extinguished,
especially when he drifted towards the she-man mutt I like to call Cameron Diaz, a
woman so foul - inside and out - that her
repellent qualities have the impressive yet tragic ability to transfer themselves on to those who have the misfortune of spending too much with her. And as a consequence of
nis poorly directed affection, JT is now ugly"
Very poetic.
There are people in the media world who chose not to bully Britney who have every right to use their blogs to critique Justin and his behaviour, Lainey is not one of those people.
There is no discussion I'm interested in having when it comes to whether Lainey has any right to be using her blog to drag anyone for how Britney and Janet were treated. She simply doesn't.
But that is what accountability is really. You recognise what you've done wrong, you own it and you don't repeat the same mistakes again. There was a time where you did not understand how you were hurting people, you don't need to atone, you just need to recognise and, when moving forward, be better and influence others to be better. For me, at least, is what this space represents.
First of all you are not going to tell me that someone who wrote articles that included gems like "this twat is the motner of two children" (in refrence to Britney) didn't know or understand they were hurting people. She was an adult in her 30s not a daft kid barely out her teens.
This was an adult who knew better making a conscious decision to bully people to drive up traffic to their blog. As cynical and nasty as it gets.
She changed her style only because it became unfashionable not because she learned (she always knew better)
An apology was made and excuses given but it should be pinned to the top.of her blog from now until she closes it down. Continually coming for Timberlake (who has also apologised) is not the actions of someone who is truly repentant for their own behaviour. It's the actions of someone who knows hating on him is going to get her clout and is hoping her own past is forgotten.
He has a lot still to make amends for, but he is also a neat distraction and scapegoat for the media who hounded and bullied Janet and Brit to beat because it keeps the heat of them.
Honestly I think we are mixing things here. Things aren't as black and white. You can be a lot of things at once. You can be an asshole, as Lainey has all but admitted to being during a certain time, kicking people when they were down, and you can also move past that. There was an apology and a moving on, but for the better, not forgetting what was and mostly not repeating the same things.
You can reflect, admit and you don't need to just stay there in apology forever (just because you think she should pin it, doesn't mean she has to lol). Maybe you can reflect on what is the better behaviour after an apology. I don't think that Lainey forgets what she wrote, she just chooses to be better.
As for criticising Justin Timberlake, come on, we are talking about a rich, white, man, who might not be at the top of his game, but he is not exactly hurting. He is a person that increased his profile at the cost of others (not JC - I'm sorry but JC doesn't have it), who has (allegedly) cheated on his wife in a very public manner and who laughed, at his own wedding, at a very awful video involving homeless people. Let's protect who needs protecting, not Justin Timberlake.
Maybe if JT started rocking the curly blonde 'do' again it would resurrect the good vibes for him! lol When I took a look at the comparison photo (then and now) in People I was shockingly reminded of how cute he was during the Brit days.
If you watch the show promos, JT comments along the lines of “ when I was here last time / when it was my first time here...”, needing to point out he has been to Hot Ones before. Very odd status brag.
Can we just blame it all on Justin?
*This post brought to you by the Committee For Justice For JC
With pleasure. Forever.
Always! *From your associate at the Committee for Justice for Britney & Janet
This is about visibility. So many actors have limited or completely restricted their visibility with their acting projects, unless there's been an interim agreement issued by the union, over the last couple of months. Look at what happened at the festivals. Chris Pine directed a film, his first feature film!, and didn't show up in Toronto to promote it, when he could have, technically, in his role as a director. Instead he was on a boat in Italy, LOL.
Justin Timberlake has been quiet for months. Then, two months before the release of the Trolls movie, we get this *NSYNC reunion because they've recorded a new song. And even though they're not talking about the movie, they are VISIBLE. He is VISIBLE. For a PURPOSE. Because I think we all know by now he's not hanging out with Chris, Lance, JC, and Joey out of the goodness of his heart.
Yeah a song of theirs is literally in the Trolls movie trailer. The link to them is very there. The song will be on the movie soundtrack....which is part of the movie promo..I think this is on the line but not a great look.
The narrative that Justin doesn't give his bandmates the time of day is false, they have always been in touch and it's actually been JC reluctance to put himself out there that has held up a reunion not Justin, anyone who has listened to Lance's podcasts knows this.
It's *Nsync reuniting, one of the biggest pop acts in history whose reunion people have been speculating about for decades, you expect people not to be talking about it? And it is Nsync people are talking about few know or care that the song is for a Trolls film. The band aren't mentioning it and if anything their reunion is such a huge deal for a certain generation (not the films target demographic) that it completely overshadows any film that follows it months down the line.
As a mature adult in your 30s you revelled in Britneys breakdown and humiliated her on a daily basis, you apologised only when called out, good for you. Justin was an insensitive jerk to her as young man and like you he apologised for it when called out. You do not have any moral highground. Anyone with your history who had a grain of self respect or self awareness would drop the sanctimony and let Timberlake get on with it and leave calling him out to those who didn't join in on bullying and degrading Britney and Janet. Your blog needs to be respectfully sitting that one out.
Posts like that today that are so nonsensical and reaching to find any possible stick to beat Timberlake with are embarassing for you.
Out of curiosity, did you pay to come on here and continually shame Lainey or is it just this topic that is so upsetting for you? I mean that genuinely, because you seem to hold a lot of anger - maybe you should stop engaging with Lainey’s content entirely if it’s that upsetting for you. It might improve your life to follow more things on that make you happy rather than mad.
No I did not pay to come on here. What a bizzare question. She linked to this platform in her Nsync post and invited everyone to come join the discussion. I did as she asked.
But please keep defending someone that said of Janet post Superbowl
"Ghetto tits, ghetto weave, ghetto belt, ghetto colour combination - Miss Jackson is canneling Tara Reid. And it is breaking my heart. I also wish she could move past the
90s. The fat- -fit ponytail is SO OVER. By the way - is it just me or does she look like she just got another nose job? Is there a self mutilating gene that runs in this family or something?" 2006
"Seriously. I felt badly for Janet Jackson. I mean it`s Janet Jackson, right? She released a new
album this year which has totally unperformed, it's been all Mimi and Madonna
and no Damita Jo, and she showed up on the
carpet tonight and all of us on the press line
were like - oh yeah, Janet Jackson. Sure let's
get her if we can, but not if it means missing
JLo or Tomkat or Scarlett or the Olsens or Posh....and ľ'm telling you, the list went on and
on. For some reason, somehow, Janet Jackson has become a "nice to have" but not a "MUST have".
Sucks to be Janet." 2008
"Or perhaps they do. With Janet Jackson, seen leaving the Teen Choice Awards, replacing Tawn . Because how else do you explain this weave? Seriously explain it!
Explain to me how someone could possibly suggest this, and then explain to me how someone else can second it. And worse still - explain to me how she could possibly say
yes: yes I WANT my hair to look likethat
Explain it to me!. I've been staring at this for half an hour and I still don't get it. image is
everything these days. Janet's album is trailing in hype behing Mhariah and Madonna
Looking like this isn't going to help, I don't care how much yoyo weight she's lost this time"
"sucks to be Janet"
But really, are any of us surprised the Timberflake is a scab? No? Thought so.
They didn't mention Trolls once, the host gave the single the briefest of mentions and didn't even mention what it's called or when it's available to download. This was all about the band and their history. Probably 5% of people watching are even aware the reunion is attached to Trolls. In fact Lainey in ner article gave Trolls more publicity than any Nsync member has. This is an embarrassing take from Lainey.
I mean, if you want to throw shame at people I suppose that is your choice. But look at the poll above. Isn’t the bigger take away that most people feel like Lainey does? It might be a good time to read the room and maybe try some diplomacy so your ideas can spur more discussion instead of dumping a big ole pile of shame/shit on it.
Yeah this. stumping for JT in 2023 is a choice!
As is stumping for Lainey the woman who wrote of Britney
"Britney was pulled over for speeding this weekend while driving to Vegas. Amazingly enough, she wasnt drunk driving. Even more
amazing. her outfit. lt's a new classic.
Still the outfit I can handle. It's the fingernail biting that grosses me out. I realise it`s a habit, that many people can't help it. But look at her. Look at her so helpless and stupid and capable of nothing but shoving her fingers in her mouth while being questioned by police.
And remember, this twat is mother to two children."
Oof that's rough to read in 2023. I am forgiving of Lainey in this case because back in the early aughts I delightedly read this kind of garbage - just like many people who over the years matured into feminists and allys. It doesn't undo how icky the writing is but the writing also doesn't negate the subsequent growth.
So here is the thing with that line of thought, it wasn't "just writing" the media was one of the biggest contributing factors to Britney ending up in the state she did.
They hounded her and piled on her when she was at her most vulnerable, they stood around and laughed and made sure as many people as possible could gawp.
This isn't an oopsie this was the conscious decision of adults to be cruel instead of compassionate. What they did was no better than what Justin did.
Those adults in 2023 don't get to brush all that away with a "sorry I've grown" while continuing to pile on someone else who has apologised and "grown" It's giving hypocrisy and a lack of accountability.
Justin was a piece of shit back then. But he is also a convienent scape goat for a media who were culpable but want to cling on to their careers.
If your reaction to reading that in 2007 was anything other than being angry and appaled then you don't have any right to be criticising anyone.
Most people who read Laineys blog agree with Lainey is hardly a damning indictment. It's called a partial audience.
Accountability is not shaming.
Lainey bullied both Britney and Janet for years, she used the most foul and disgusting language to talk about both women (and other women too) when they were at their most vulnerable. When they were down she made a choice to kick them.
She only apologised when shamed into it. That apology is not pinned to the top of her blog as it should be so that all traffic to her site can make an informed choice of whether to read on or not. She is hiding her past hoping people will forget what she did.
I'll quote one of Laineys blogs about Britney, written as she was going through a public and traumatic breakdown.
"Once upon a time, my loins might have desired Justin Timberlake. Not for long, but for a few weeks there, it turned me on that he possessed Britney's flower. It would have
been cool to be with the dude that plucked her poon.....Whatever flames there were flickering in my
private zone were quickly extinguished,
especially when he drifted towards the she-man mutt I like to call Cameron Diaz, a
woman so foul - inside and out - that her
repellent qualities have the impressive yet tragic ability to transfer themselves on to those who have the misfortune of spending too much with her. And as a consequence of
nis poorly directed affection, JT is now ugly"
Very poetic.
There are people in the media world who chose not to bully Britney who have every right to use their blogs to critique Justin and his behaviour, Lainey is not one of those people.
There is no discussion I'm interested in having when it comes to whether Lainey has any right to be using her blog to drag anyone for how Britney and Janet were treated. She simply doesn't.
But that is what accountability is really. You recognise what you've done wrong, you own it and you don't repeat the same mistakes again. There was a time where you did not understand how you were hurting people, you don't need to atone, you just need to recognise and, when moving forward, be better and influence others to be better. For me, at least, is what this space represents.
First of all you are not going to tell me that someone who wrote articles that included gems like "this twat is the motner of two children" (in refrence to Britney) didn't know or understand they were hurting people. She was an adult in her 30s not a daft kid barely out her teens.
This was an adult who knew better making a conscious decision to bully people to drive up traffic to their blog. As cynical and nasty as it gets.
She changed her style only because it became unfashionable not because she learned (she always knew better)
An apology was made and excuses given but it should be pinned to the top.of her blog from now until she closes it down. Continually coming for Timberlake (who has also apologised) is not the actions of someone who is truly repentant for their own behaviour. It's the actions of someone who knows hating on him is going to get her clout and is hoping her own past is forgotten.
He has a lot still to make amends for, but he is also a neat distraction and scapegoat for the media who hounded and bullied Janet and Brit to beat because it keeps the heat of them.
Honestly I think we are mixing things here. Things aren't as black and white. You can be a lot of things at once. You can be an asshole, as Lainey has all but admitted to being during a certain time, kicking people when they were down, and you can also move past that. There was an apology and a moving on, but for the better, not forgetting what was and mostly not repeating the same things.
You can reflect, admit and you don't need to just stay there in apology forever (just because you think she should pin it, doesn't mean she has to lol). Maybe you can reflect on what is the better behaviour after an apology. I don't think that Lainey forgets what she wrote, she just chooses to be better.
As for criticising Justin Timberlake, come on, we are talking about a rich, white, man, who might not be at the top of his game, but he is not exactly hurting. He is a person that increased his profile at the cost of others (not JC - I'm sorry but JC doesn't have it), who has (allegedly) cheated on his wife in a very public manner and who laughed, at his own wedding, at a very awful video involving homeless people. Let's protect who needs protecting, not Justin Timberlake.
His face up there, lol. Photo Assumption ® but he looks like he's thinking "fml". No fun having to grovel!
He's such a putz.
Maybe if JT started rocking the curly blonde 'do' again it would resurrect the good vibes for him! lol When I took a look at the comparison photo (then and now) in People I was shockingly reminded of how cute he was during the Brit days.
If you watch the show promos, JT comments along the lines of “ when I was here last time / when it was my first time here...”, needing to point out he has been to Hot Ones before. Very odd status brag.
They have barely mentioned the song and haven't mentioned the film at all. What on earth are you even talking about?