Lainey, I think you have more than earned the flex, imho. Just the sheer amount of work over the amount of time you've been doing this is so impressive. I was actually talking about it with a friend this week, in the sense of life goals and the pursuit of them and how sometimes something like what you did, start a newsletter to amuse your friends, ended up turning into this huge job and now you host Oscar pre shows. That's such an incredible trajectory, truly. And you worked your ass off for it. So flex away.

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I've now started saying "But Kate changed schools and her major to History of Art to be in the same classes as William. Plus delayed a year to be there the same time as him. How is that different? Isn't that actually stalking?"

It's fun to watch people head's explode.

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🎯 🎯🎯

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The other day I was thinking to myself, “Lainey doesn’t brag enough about the fact that she inspired a character in Daisy Jones and the Six.” And here we are!

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I didn't know this before and honestly it is so fucking cool!!!!!!!

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I’m not sure if she ever wrote about it but Lainey and Duana interviewed Taylor Jenkins Reid on their Show Your Work podcast (RIP?) and it came up!

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We did. She was so cool. We linked to it in this post. It will take you to the post and at the bottom of the post is the embedded podcast player.

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I was reading too fast and missed the mention! Thank you!

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This is truly one of my favourite places online 🩷

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So happy you guys are enjoying it We love how constructive and smart the discussions are.

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Same. Grateful every day for having this place to come to.

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I get so frustrated with the whole Meghan not knowing the royals before hooking up with Harry. I always took that to mean, that yes, of course being a human in the world she knows the same, more or less, as the rest of us (the drama, the Princess Di of it all, the 2 boys, etc), but that she didn't know or understand much about the royal way of life. And she had a steep learning curve. To keep knocking her with this totally willful misinterpretation of a quote shows that most people/media outlets don't have anything else to point to why they 'don't like' her. It's asinine.

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That’s how I’ve always read it as well. I just legitimately don’t understand why people are holding on to this question and bringing it up YEARS and YEARS later like it’s some smoking gun? I’m a couple years older than Megan (full disclosure, I GOOGLED that, gasp!), and if I was asked I also would have said I didn’t know much about Harry! I have never paid any attention or had been interested in the royal family before Harry and Megan. I didn’t know who the queen’s children were besides Charles, and obviously that was because of Princess Diana. I can fully see Megan being some degree of the same, and, shocker of shockers…I think there’s many of us out there like this.

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THIS. I have always felt exactly the same way about her answer.

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I would definitely love an open thread for interview questions!!!

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Likewise! I’ve seen interviews conducted by fans and it’s almost always like that cringey Chris Farley sketch. But fans sometimes DO have good insight into adaptations of source material (ahem), character analysis, career trajectories, etc. I understand why junket interviews don’t usually delve into topics that would satisfy the small number of more-informed audience members (and I suspect not every star is clever enough to answer questions beyond the 10 most obvious), but it would be fun to brainstorm for the right project!

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Me too! I would LOVE this!!

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I would happily participate in a brainstorm session. Who doesn’t love the opportunity to solicit diverse ideas? All my real-life work is better when I encourage other ideas. Even if I don’t use them directly it makes my products more complete.

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Me three!

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Also, I have to wonder if Roxane Gay is part of the Squawk. Because that would make my life

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I was wondering the same thing about Jia Tolentino! You know they need diversions while they write their other stuff.

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Hi Roxane! Hi Jia! (if you're reading this) 😘

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I’m pretty sure Jia was in the Oscar chat! So cool :)

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Can you just imagine?!? Roxane Effing Gay a Squawker!!! Celebrities (especially amazing writer celebrities) - they're just like us. 😂

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Also, HOLY SHIT about the Taylor Jenkins Reid name dedication in Daisy Jones, Lainey! That is cool as hell.

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I didn't know that either! Lainey, we all know you're amazing but this just seriously adds to your coolness factor (which was already off the charts, to be fair).

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What a mailbag! Damn. Flex on flex, Lainey, Sarah, with all of your talented team that has kept our rapt attention for nearly two decades.

Here for any live chat/junket prep convo—I liken it to Hunter Harris’ Q&A’s, oftentimes the comments bring up a really interesting angle or perspective that enhances dialogue about a particular topic.

I agree, people need to get over it and move on with the Meghan Markle “but her emails!” Questions. What would the public reaction have been if she honestly answered, “yes, obviously I knew who Prince Harry was, and every detail that has been published about his family’s life since I was a kid. What red blooded woman doesn’t know?” They would have crucified her! On that note, I think most women also Google or find out information about anyone they go on a date with, especially someone with any sort of notoriety, as she did.

Sarah’s screening spreadsheet is fascinating to me! I never really thought about what a chore would be to watch some thing that you have no interest in, or aren’t in the mindset to watch. Like I have to be in the right mood to watch something, and he like it would be stressful if I had a few hours on a weekday and had to some thing that was going to make me more anxious or just bored with. I respect your hustle and tenacity!

Also can’t wait for May, with so many good shows and films on the docket, from Hacks to Fall Guy, The Idea of You, Hit Man, Unfrosted… solid birthday month!

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Sarah's screening spreadsheet is office porn. Seriously. I LOVE a good spreadsheet. And all of the columns were spaced well. Drives me NUTS when the columns are too small or too big. I have serious issues. 😂

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Years ago when I used to do about 25 to 30 movies at TIFF, I prepared a similar spreadsheet so I think it’s a great idea. Now I see far fewer movies and use the app tiffr which sets up the schedule for me electronically.

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Meagan Markle has already answered the google question in an interview. She was asked later if she googled Prince Harry and again she said, no, for her she wanted to see his Instagram account and what type of content he was posting.

She wanted to get a sense of the man through the content which she said was all nature and wild life pictures of Africa. So, the original question when asked about googling him, was the correct answer, she didn't elaborate and get specific about Instagram until later.

What would a google search bring up that any typical person wouldn't already know? Why would she need to google him, his Instagram account would give her so much more information. If I was about to date a prince whose life and family has been documented for decades, I wouldn't feel any need to google him either, but I would want some sort of more private information - hence Instagram.

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I recall that too. Besides if her too google searches would be articles from the daily mail, how accurate would any of that would be?

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Was just about to post this! I think it was in the Netflix series? I thought her explanation made sense - when she prepared for the date she studied his Instagram, not Google, so she could learn about him vs public perception of him.

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Aimee, thank you , yes, it must have been the Netflix series.

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I'm going to take the smallest of openings (one line in a screenshot) and see if anyone wants to talk about Fallout? I just finished it and want to discuss with smart and interesting people who aren't toxic fanboys.

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It's super fun. They really nailed the look/feel of the games while keeping it open to non-gamers. Ella Purnell is incredible.

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I have to watch a lot of it while covering my eyes cause I’m a big baby, but I’m enjoying it so far! Love all the familiar faces. I’m happy for Purnell—I loved her in Yellowjackets.

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Still working my way through but I find myself staying up late to finish episodes (I'll finish this weekend, or tonight, lol), which hasn't happened in a long time for me.

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I have a pet theory that the late 50s/60s are to GenX what WW2 is to boomers - a constant source of inspiration/fascination. There is SO much to draw from in that time period from the aesthetic to the social upheaval. It's interesting to see this remix of the time period plus the post apocalyptic 'fallout'. I would LOVE a longer behind the scenes explainer of the societies in the vaults/above ground.

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It’s on my list to start this weekend!

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Finished it last week and loved it! I agree with Sarah that Lucy and Maximus probably aren’t deeply in love, but I think they’re actually really well-suited for each other, a testament to the excellent writing and acting. Omg, and Walter Goggin’s face when he overhears his wife! It reminded me of that line in The Simpsons about seeing the exact moment when Ralphie had his heart broken by Lisa.

I have a possibility dumb question that is also probably a spoiler. Can I post it here?

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I've watched the whole season so I don't mind but I don't know if there's a spoiler policy

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WOW: How amazing that the journalist in Daisy Jones was inspired by you!! How thrilling.

FWIW, I also mentioned LaineyGossip as one of my character's favorite sites in my most recent novel. As an author, it's always fun to get to put in those Easter eggs and get to pay tribute things we enjoy :) I couldn't figure out how to add the image in a comment, so I included it in my Substack note instead.

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Love this! Thanks for sharing. Congrats on your book releases!!

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TY! :)

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TALK YO TALK!! Is it bragging if it's true? Maybe so, maybe no. This is the chat for talking about work. Your work is important to you. It's very good work. Your preparation for junkets is detailed (all the angles considered and reconsidered). I loved reading about it. It's my procrastination salve because at LEAST I'm reading about work if not finishing my own project.

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If Roxanne Gay name checked me

I’d be shouting from the rooftops! Congrats!

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I have always been a skeptical about Meghan not knowing about Harry, but I DO believe that she wasn't into the royals and didn't realize that it's not all an act, as she has said.

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I have no dog in the Meghan fight, but even though I know who the royals are and grew up with the Diana worship in pop culture, if you had asked me one thing about Harry or William I wouldn't have been able to answer much. For some people, they're just really not that important.

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Exactly! I'm not one of those people...but I recognize that the internet has made me believe there's more of us out there than there might be.

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Yes, and like, no shade! Some people are super into the royals the way I am into actors/artists/musicians and that's great and fine. But even though I could answer a ton about an obscure actor or whatever, the royals are just not on my trivia list. I feel the same way about American "royalty" like the Kennedy family. The only things I know about them come from either interacting with them through work, or reading biographies of Marilyn Monroe or someone else affected by the family.

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Right I think the people likely to throw around that accusation probably think a ton about the monarchy and can't imagine someone NOT doing that

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There is a clip of her being asked Harry or William along with other questions about the UK when she was in the UK doing promo for Suits (a year or two before she meets Harry). She does end up saying Harry, but there is a pause because it’s clear she doesn’t know anything other than the pop culture image of them.

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I also think people are being too literal when they talk about this quote - I don't think she said she didn't know the royals (I mean, come on), but she was meaning that she didn't spend much time thinking about them prior to meeting Harry. I'm sure she googled him and knew more than she let on, but she was also clearly not a royalist.

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I still heard her with Mariah context. She didn't KNOW him (me either). Could her friends have googled FOR her, maybe? Maybe she wanted to not put stuff on him from the ether before actually meeting him? Keep it light. But she got that ring BEFORE spring (a la Whitley, Happy 35th to that character!). The "she lied" crew needs to accept that their mans is gone. He did not belong with you. He will never see.

Other note: Lainey clocked that "know him" thing when she said it. She just moved on because the toxicity built at record speed and now we're here STILL situationally pious.

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I keep a Movies list on my reminders. Some for me to watch on my own, some with my husband and kids (we take turns choosing the movie for family movie night). Anytime I read a review or hear about a new movie, I just add to the list!

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Same! Mine is an iPhone note with release date, notes and referrer if someone shared!

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ooo I like the referrer column, will add that!

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I do that with books, too, because sometimes tastes do not always align, and I don’t want to read or listen to more of their recommendations if I don’t like it 🤣Or some friends usually always share recs that I love. I also include links to a trailer or post about something for context

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