I feel like Anne took a bullet there for nothing just to avoid having it blow up. Personally, I think this reporter was a bit out of line. She tells her she's going to ask her to sing, Anne isn't into it, and she does it anyway when the cameras are rolling? What about adjusting on the fly and reading your subject. To me this is a bit of a publicity grab by the reporter and Anne is in a no-win position.

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I was going to comment that while I was on the reporter's side with Blake to me this seemed very petty and silly to bring up. Like...who cares? It was years ago at the height of hathahate. I don't know it just rubbed me the wrong way that she posted it

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It also feels VERY opportunistic because it was right after The Princess Diaries 3 announcement came out so clearly Flaa thought this was the heatscore of the moment. It was 100% the right thing to do to apologize and have it blow over but also 100% annoying to me personally.

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I don’t care for gotcha journalism, whether it’s current events, politics, lifestyle, or entertainment. It’s lazy, devoid of nuance, and just plain mean. There’s a through-line here to Sarah’s comments regarding influencers “reporting” (read: stunting) on red carpets. The medium is the message, and social media is disproportionately about the creator, not the subject. Raise a glass to real journalists and reporters!

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The view we’re missing here is the context of how the rest of the interviews went, how they communicated pre interview, and why Anne and Blake seem so unimpressed with her. Just hearing her gleefully relay these interviews seems like not a fun person to be around.

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How many more of these does she have?!

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If she has a bunch of these, the problem becomes her and not the actors.

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What really gets me about this Kjersti Flaa woman is how she's using her past work as a way to remould herself into an obvious right-wing baiting outrage machine. Her videos are all styled like "anti-woke" crap on YouTube and mostly seem to be mean towards other women (she was also posting a lot during Amber Heard's trial about how Johnny Depp was SUCH a gentleman to her so obviously he's not a bad guy, which tells me all I need to know about her.) I'm sorry that Anne felt the need to apologize to her, but then I remember that the Les Miz era was when she was treated like a pariah for "caring too much" about what people thought about her, so I don't blame her for wanting to nip this in the bud.

As for actor/director collaborations, my personal favourite is probably Antonio Banderas and Pedro Almodovar, if only for the sheer range of drama and sensuality they created together. Find someone who loves you as much as Pedro loves Antonio.

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Pedro and Antonio also very good.

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“… this Kjersti Flaa woman …”. Bless you forever, Ms. Donaldson 😂

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Oct 11Edited
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Atame is my favourite Almodovar: it's "the heteros are not okay: the movie!"

Honestly, we could do this with so many Almodovar collaborators. He loves himself a familiar face (and also just great faces like the icon that is Rossy de Palma!)

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I ran here to say LAINEY THAT SECOND OUTFIT FOR VF OMFG. Those boots!!!!!!! You need to share that somewhere, it is too good.

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Same same same - what a drop dead, jaw droppingly great look!!!

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Can you tell us where you got those boots Lainey? They are absolutely gorgeous and I want to wear them when lawyering.

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Valentino! (but from 2015 - resellers have them though!)

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I feel like they are Valentino... or Prada?! SO good.

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"I think the Britney and Justin dance-off was a certain golden era of something."

Oh god, what a time to have been alive. It's like I'm 23 again and reading US Weekly in the checkout line of some grocery store. I hope to hell they include this scene in the Britney biopic trailer.

Lainey, your hair is magnificent. Jeez. It's positively Amal Clooneyesque. I keep staring at the second photo in particular, because that's the kind of bounce and shine I find aspirational and hard to obtain.

And if I saw a woman wearing those boots from three blocks away, I'd sprint towards her just to tell her how much I love them.

Thanks for including the VF link, too. I have my paper copy at home, but I didn't know you gave a more extensive interview!

Also, I now think Kristen Bell totally sucks. This is the kind of insider knowledge I value and will take with me forever. I know that celebs are Just Like Us and have good and bad moods, but there's no excuse for a double sneer at people who are simply doing their JOBS.

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Stupid question- who is the judge of a dance -off? How do we know who won?😀

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Oh, you know Britney won!! We're the judges! Court of Public Opinion!

I just imagine a bunch of people totally polluted from California Car Bombs and tequila shots encircling B&J while they dance-dueled to "Hot in Herre" or something. I wish I had been among them SO bad.

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I have to say after reading the Nobody Wants This answer I'm even more impressed that the show (as uneven as it could be) was still so good. I'm now even more excited for a season 2 where hopefully the writer's room is less chaotic. To me this proves yet another thing we have lost in the streaming age...time. Time for shows to get their footing etc. I think about how bad the first season of The Office and Parks and Rec were and to go back even further how Seinfeld really didn't start hitting until like...season 4! In today's market we would never have gotten those shows because they would been axed right away. Makes me sad.

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Those boots are amazing!!

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I came to say the same thing!!!

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I am going to wade into somewhat controversial waters here.

I read the article that criticizes Nobody Wants This's portrayal of Jewish women and I don't deny that their characatures could be seen as problematic. But I would also argue that the gate keeping SIL and demading MIL are tropes that have been used before in other contexts. Not exactaly original and problematic for other reasons other than Judaism.

The biggest gripe the author seemed to have was with the scene in the synagogue where people were trying to introduce their eligible relatives to him. She seemed to think this was unrealistic. I disagree.

I married a jewish guy and was that shiska. He and his family however were not particularly religious and were only in the synagogue for high holidays and funerals. But they were part of a tightly knit diaspora of Jews from eastern europe.

The very first 'event' I attended with him was the engagement party of a cousin. It was as formal and fancy as any wedding I have been to and was a seated dinner. He would have been about 30 at the time, good looking, employed and Jewish. At two different times during that dinner family aquataintances approached our table and in front of me (I was sitting beside him! As his date!) Introduced eligible Jewish women to him. Now they were not so crass as to directly mention marriage to him but it was very clear the intentions. I was dismissed from these conversations as unimportant.

So no, I don't think the series was out of line adding that scene.

And even in my future husband's family who were mostly non religious, the issue of me converting was approached more than once. My MIL had converted for my FIL.

There is a belief? tradition? In the jewish faith that if the mother is not jewish the children are not "truely jewish" and the pressure to 'continue the tribe' is real. Even if now a days people are much more reasonable, it is like any religion there are varying degrees to adherence.

To this day, my husband passed 7 years ago, my SIL continues to, unasked, attempt to educated my children in their jewishness. Which I wouldn't mind, it is part of their history that we acknowledge and I am woefully underprepared to facilitate, but she actually goes about it with passive aggressiveness and guilt, something I have had to put my foot down about.

So from an athiest/agnostic perspective, I have more issue with NWT presenting Judaism as 'the fun quirky religion', ignoring its problems and the problems with organized religion in general, than the stereotypes it perpetuates.

I do however also acknowledge the reality that antisemitism is still a real threat for many and I am making these criticisms from a place of privilege.

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aha, that makes so much more sense of the back half of Nobody Wants This - Sasha getting a single episode B-plot that matters not at all; some capers that make little sense characterwise; the podcast/sisters' business not really building to anything.

I think KBell's public image has become a lot more careful and calculated in the time since your interactions with her, Lainey. I interviewed her in 2022 for that Woman Something Something Window show, and I wasn't looking forward to it because I knew I wouldn't get anything interesting or candid or off-brand out of her, and indeed I didn't. And it wasn't a junket, I had a whole hour with her! As you know, my interview style is hardly "gotcha!" - but in under an hour I can pretty much always get people to say something they hadn't thought of before. I _almost_ did; it was right around the time that Neil Young had pulled his music from Spotify because of Joe Rogan platforming anti-vax misinformation, so I asked something about what kind of responsibility she felt she and her husband had wrt the companies they work with/get money from/make money for. She started answering, got flustered, the PRs flanking her started shifting, we moved onto something else. That was the only genuine-seeming moment.

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Just wanted to put in a good word for all things Korean entertainment. You said we tire of it, but I for one do not! Bring me all the Gong Yoo thumbnails on my laineygossip screen, all the BTS! I'm not tired of it at all, and I find it fascinating

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I came here, albeit a bit late, to say the same thing! I love the K-content!

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I have zero problem with K content and the focus on it 🤓 I just get the icks about the K-pop system, given the fallout of the North American 90s boy/girl band and pop star system (Lou Perlman, Britney’s ordeal, etc.). I can’t help but feel there is an exploitative element to K-pop that mirrors that era, and I obviously would love to be wrong. In any event, I’m thrilled the artists themselves are getting their due with luxury brand ambassadorships and other opportunities they can squirrel away in a trust fund.

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The VF article was an absofuckinlutely delightful afternoon treat. Those Lainey’s picks were amazing too.

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One of the things that has always baffled me about celebrities being rude to reporters/bloggers/hosts - these are people who you have to rely on to promote yourself. What does being rude to them gain you, other than a smug feeling of superiority? Having money and talent apparently doesn't buy you class or empathy.

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Ah, yes, eTalk! That nothingburger of an outlet from the frozen abyss up north! Well done, Kristin Bell. Seriously, compare her red carpet behaviour to Candace Bergen recognizing Ben Mulroney at the Oscars. That delightful exchange is seared into my memory. Ben trying to be modest, remain professional, and getting his question out without monopolizing Candace’s time and she is having NONE of it! She’s there for the Canucks and the connection to former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney ❤️

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Oct 11Edited

I like Lainey’s take on the plot for nobody wants this. I got very confused with the characterization - I wasn’t even sure who I was rooting for or why. Honestly, I wasn’t even rooting for Bell and Brody’s characters to stay together. Sure they have great chemistry but the depth of the relationship seemed like high school to me, and I didn’t understand why someone like him (job he’s passionate about and always wanted that’s significant on a moral and cultural and social level - a lifestyle really) risk his dreams to be with her. I just didn’t buy the risk-reward as compelling since I didn’t perceive them to be clicking like I was told they were by the show.

Maybe this isn’t my place to feel icky about, but I did also feel weird about her being different as blond and petite compared to the Jewish women on the show. It just seemed a bit too direct -Jews look like x, but rabbi wants y! I know they were careful to mention that Joanne and her sister thought Rebecca was beautiful, maybe to counter the stereotype?

I wish I could have seen the show as originally scripted, as I might have found the love story easier to believe.

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really interesting question about the Canadian star system. I’m an American but married a Canadian 4 years ago and am now a proud Canadian permanent resident. I’m embarrassed to admit how unfamiliar I was with the Canadian star system outside the obviously huge exports (Bieber, Drake, The Weeknd, Simu Liu, Nelly Furtado, Avril). What my spouse and I talk about a lot, at least from the perspective of film and television, is it feels like things get “flattened” between the US and Canada, meaning once an actor/actress starts to get on the rise or becomes an actual star, they lose their “Canadian-ness.” The assumption from most Americans is like “oh they’re American” unless their Canadian background is obvious (nice Canadian Brendan Fraser, the Levy’s) or it becomes something iconic to their lore (like Cobie Smulders leaning into her Canadian background in her character Robin Sparkles, a former Canadian pop star, on How I Met Your Mother). This flattening could be a direct result of the shrinking of the Canadian star system for sure, and I feel it’s so sad. There is an American tendency to feel like Hollywood is the center of the pop culture universe (not all Americans think this way, obviously) but I also find it interesting when my American friends, like me, are blissfully unaware that Canada has its own stars and celebs that aren’t household names in the states. I don’t really have anything interesting to add here but just to say I enjoyed reading your thoughts on this!

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This is what I sort of admire about Jared Keeso. When Letterkenney broke out he could have jumped to LA but he elected to stay in Canada.

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exactly! my spouse will always be like “another one bites the dust and goes Hollywood.” I can see why, for Canadians, that might feel frustrating or disheartening.

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Thank you - I was the one who asked the question and you bring up very valid points to the Canadians who blend in. It always surprises me when there is a "oh, they are from Canada" moment?

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I have not seen Nobody Wants This but every time I read Steve Levitan's name I'm reminded of the two writers rooms that Modern Family had and how much I want a podcast or book that talks about how that worked. MF was initially praised for combing the traditional network family sitcom style that Levitan knew like the back of his hand with the intellectual wit of Lloyd's work on Frasier. They couldn't work well together, hence the two writers rooms and one of the most inconsistently written characters in sitcom history: Haley Dunphy. One episode would have her as stylish young woman who might not be book smart but was possessed of a real, earned savviness and the next episode would have her so dumb you wouldn't trust her to sit right on a toilet seat. I wonder which room wrote her which way, I have my suspicions that I will never be 100% on until someone makes the podcast/book.

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Wow. That makes so much sense in retrospective. As a former need but older daughter, I actually empathized more with Haley's character when it was written the first way, kind of street smart. You could see her maturing...and then you got the dumb teen stereotype. Now I know why! How do you even manage a sitcom that way?

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Why didn't Blake's pr firm handle things differently? or does Blake think she did nothing wrong or that it would blow over?

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she's always going on about how she styles herself, maybe she PRs herself too

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I think that whole situation was such a shitstorm that the Kjersti Flaa video was not really what Blake’s team was focused on.

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There was lots going on , I know, so what did they focus on? Blake's one instagram post about Domestic Violence, that in my opinion was a little late.

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I wasn’t trying to imply that they did something else that was more effective; they definitely bungled the whole thing. 😅 I assume the strategy they decided on was not responding and letting it die down on its own, outside of the Instagram post on DV (which kind of made the situation worse, and may have led them to double down on not commenting).

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