Lainey, i know others will have the same feeling: i am one of those long time readers who stuck around and the truth is i had to do the same learning and growing, which continues today. i believe your changing perspective has helped me see things differently too 💙 even tho i am still an asshole.

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LOLOLOLOLOL after all that I just wrote about Kim and Taylor, Kim is fighting back with... a NIPPLE BRA!


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Jennifer Aniston didn’t need a special bra to perfect that look more than a decade ago.

Lainey, I very much appreciate how you continuously remind us of the growing pains the site went through over the years. I’ve been reading since 2004 or 2005, and I feel like you’ve helped me to grow and change, too. You only put out what we came to consume, so we all share in the shame.

On Beyoncé, for me, I noticed a big shift from you after Lemonade. You had more respect for her in the preceding years, deservedly, because the music changed as she got further from Destiny’s Child and her father, but she was still that possibly insecure woman who photoshopped herself a thigh gap while playing mini golf. Then the elevator happened, and while I’m sure that was a horrible time in her life, it seemed like her phoenix moment. When she burst back on the scene with Lemonade, she transcended into the unparalleled goddess that she is today, and she truly seems to embrace who and what she is now. I feel like perception, in general, went from “Beyoncé is one of the top performers and is changing the game,” to “Beyoncé is a performer and artist the likes of which we’ve never seen and may never again.”

On the thigh gap thing, I hate to bring it up, but it sticks out to me because I remember thinking how sad it was at the time that even she had to deal with those types on insecurities. I also brought it up because that shit seems like it’s completely gone now, and I love it for her.

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Permanently hard nips for every situation.

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Good lord. I am a cranky middle-aged woman in some ways, and consequently will NEVER wear a nipple bra.

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I thought this was a joke even after watching! ha ha ha I wonder how many takes this took.

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This was a fantastic mailbag and I'm not just saying that because my question got answered. I would have thrown money at LaineyGossip in gratitude for all these years of analysis and teaching, but the mailbags have been outstanding. Really look forward to them. Thank you for the continued elucidation.

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💯 agree!

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Lainey, I appreciate and respect your openness about feeling regret for some of the ways you expressed yourself on the site years ago. I also hope you aren't being too hard on yourself. You were not alone in writing that way; it was endemic in celebrity/gossip coverage at the time and I know I expressed some ungenerous views of celebrities at times myself. But it's absolutely right that we have moved forward and are re-examining how we treat people in the public space, and clearly you have worked very hard in this growth.

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Wonderful newsletter as always Lainey and Sarah! I have to ask something though...didn’t Beyonce announce she was pregnant on the 2011 VMA red carpet hours before her performance???? In the orange dress? I swear this my Mandela effect because I remember people being shocked when she opened her jacket and then saying *that* was her announcement but she was talking about it on the red carpet! Am I totally making this up?

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You're not imagining it! I remember watching the VMAs red carpet and her appearance on the red carpet too. Here's the story from that time: https://www.billboard.com/music/music-news/beyonce-announces-pregnancy-on-vma-red-carpet-467706/

So my anticipation was sky high for Beyonce's performance because of that reveal, and of course she delivered and then some. Each time I watch it, it still makes me teary at the end.

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Lainey, I give zero shits about what people wear on or off television for Halloween so I appreciate your attitude! If you enjoy dressing up, go for it, but if you don't, you shouldn't have to waste precious time and resources getting a costume together.

I have no idea how to submit a question to the mailbag but my burning question is one you (or perhaps Sarah) alluded to around the time you started the Squawk: why were you, Lainey and Sarah, initially enemies (or however you phrased it), and how did your working relationship become what it has become? I'm dying to know that backstory!

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That story is coming and it has to do with Twilight.

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I am also a Halloween grinch. I am not a celebrity or on TV, but just as an adult living my life I do not care one bit about getting dressed up for the holiday. I do get why celebrities do, though, and I bet we’ll see even more this year as it’s an excuse to get press and do some sideways promoting!

As for Beyonce, I really feel like this site’s shift followed a larger cultural shift that itself followed a musical/creative shift. Yes in part she decided she was going to release music her way and talk (or not!) on her own terms. But what made that possible was her creative decisions to shift her music in a new direction. Being “just a pop star” is usually not considered enough of a cultural achievement to award you that kind of icon status (which I’m not sure is fair bc there is no “just” to it). But when Beyoncé moved away from that category (btw so interesting it was when she separated business from her dad, I had no idea!) she set new rules and standards for herself musically and creatively which led to new rules for her everywhere else.

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I agree re Beyoncé. In 2006 she was in the Pink Panther movie! And let’s not forget Austin Powers. Let’s give her all the credit that’s due for her creative and public persona shift.

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I feel like around I am ...Sasha Fierce is when everything locked in for Beyoncé. That's when she leveled up to her own rarified stratosphere.

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Thanks for the Beyoncé answer! I’ve been around since 2006-ish and remember noticing the shift in courage when she announced the pregnancy and the silly rumors began. You became kinder in your coverage. I appreciate your growth thru the years!

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I guess that I’m an old cynic but the Taylor/Travis, Kendall/Bad Bunny, Kylie/Timothée, and now Gigi Hadid/Bradley Cooper pairings all seem like they were born in a publicist’s office.

Hey, it works. Each of those people are exposing their (alleged) partners to their fanbases and vice versa so it’s a win for everyone.

May they all be happy until their contracts are up.

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Another Halloween grinch here. I think it’s so overdone. My 3 year old possibly needs 3 costumes! One for dance class on Sunday (has to be “danceable” - his Dino costume is decidedly not), one for daycare on Tuesday to play in and one for trick or treating. He’s got the trick or treating one (Dino) but that’s not really appropriate for the other two scenarios. But, Halloween isn’t Sunday, why does he have to dress up for dance class. Sigh. And don’t get me started on the decorations that quite literally give him nightmares.

Though I admit, even Lainey the grinch complaining that no one is tuning in for their costumes... didn’t tell us her costume so if we want to know we have to tune in... well played 😉

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I've also been reading Lainey since the mid 2000s and appreciate the growth and acknowledgement that a lot of us used to be total rude dicks back then. I love the conversation about continuing to learn from our past mistakes and hopefully be more thoughtful now.

And I want to talk about nipples a minute. I used to get frustrated about the talk around Jennifer Anniston and her nipples. These nipples of mine will not not poke out! I would get frustrated that it was assumed Jennifer did that on purpose and maybe she did, but as a nipple poker I spent I lot of time trying to not let them do that! Padded bras and nipple tape were a staple so I wasn't Ms. Nipple at work. Now Kim is making a bra to put them back out there??? Sheesh. Give me something that covers these pokers up please.

Enjoy the conversation and evolution of this site. It's my favorite part of the day to read Lainey Gossip!

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Does Tayvis railroading the KimK/Odell Beckham Jr debut keep Kris up at night?

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Weren’t some anti-paparazzi laws established right AFTER britney spears umbrella fiasco??!! Apparently what happened to Britney was so bad that it motivated legal change in California so technically it HAS gotten better for celebrities in that realm.

They can’t get harassed with paps in the washrooms anymore.

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I really appreciate your first answer, Lainey! I think you're right about the power play, as much as that depresses me...I wish Christine Lagarde's eyeroll carried more cultural currency, but alas.

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That eyeroll was special and still gives me joy. And with all the Trump trials in the news, and Ivanka's upcoming testimony in NY, I think Kim is going to have a tough time making fetch happen.

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I wish I was good at posting memes and what not because I would love to throw up that Complicit SNL skit whenever Ivanka is mentioned. And I understand why Lainey has to cover them, but I do miss the days when the site was Kardashian free.

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And now Kim K gave us another Ivanka sight (this time I recognized her). No, Kim. You are not making “Ivanka” happen.

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