
So I'm going to talk about something that will probably get me yelled at, but it's been bothering me all week and it's kind of festering in a way that I need to lance. I'm talking about Janet Jackson and her clueless remarks about Kamala Harris.

I've spent 2 decades defending Janet Jackson against the slings and arrows that were unjustly heaped on her because of Justin Timberlake and the superbowl incident, and paying marginal attention to what she says and does. She has never seemed political, she is basically pretty quiet on all fronts. But here she is in the Year of our Lord 2024 spreading one of the most bizarre pieces of a bullshit conspiracy theory, in a publication with global reach, against the one hope we have of avoiding rule and ruination by an authoritarian fascist who isn't just a threat to our country, but a global threat. I mean, What the Actual Fuck? And the garbage she spouted isn't up for a "maybe not, maybe so" kind of discussion, it is demonstrably untrue. Kamala is a mixed race woman of both black and Indian descent, she has always identified as black, she went to an HBCU, she has not been shy about claiming her black heritage. Her father is absolutely a black man, as anyone with 30 seconds and an internet connection could see for themselves. He's not just a black man, but an accomplished economist and professor emeritus at an Ivy League school. He's not a mystery. Again, WTaF?

"Well, I haven't seen the news in a couple of days." Or has it been the last 2 decades? No acknowledgement from her or her staff, except the guy that got fired for trying to make a proper correction. I mean, if you don't know anything but conspiracy theories, then why are you talking about it at all? And why not admit your error, move on, and keep out of something you clearly know nothing about? You had no problem spouting this garbage to start with, why should it be left to Tito to decide whether you make things right?

I know this all sounds very harsh and angry, but that's because I am super angry about this. She has a platform, people listen to what she says when she does say something. If you don't understand the politics and the gravity of a situation then maybe it's best to stay the hell out of it and keep your mouth shut. I have real fear bordering on panic about what will happen in November and beyond, I fear for the future of my children and grandchildren. This is not the time to repeat untrue bullshit about our last hope for saving ourselves. But here we are.

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I cannot find the link but I read somewhere one of her brothers is big into conspiracy theories and she was just repeating what he told her. Which read like throwing her brother under the bus, but also, "I have a nutty brother and I don't fact check what he tells me," isn't the defense you think it is. Very disappointing from Miss Jackson.

And as you say! Such easily disprovable misinformation!

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I tried to do ask the internet about any receipts on her brother's alleged conspiracy theory beliefs and it told me nothing. Not even a photo with the guy that traveled to the Pacific islands and created chaos. No trail. Just rumors. As wrong as she was, it speaks to how easily people repeat things without foundation or thought.

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Exactly. The smart thing to say would have been "I'm not up on politics and have no comment." But the part that really gets me, I think, is firing the guy that tried to correct it and then going to radio silence.

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17 hrs ago·edited 16 hrs ago

It also goes back to the lack of maturity in really famous people. The stagnation, and insular life that allows you to go on the record and stick your foot in your mouth and think ignoring it will make it go away. It probably will. She'll get another chance to clarify. I feel like we're ready to be upset about so much so quickly because there's so much trauma in our environment coming from everywhere. I think my expectations are so low for so many people that I heard her...and I got that it was wrong...and then I realized the source and decided that it wasn't shocking. Raised in a silo to be famous and make money woman is not going to be someone who says smart things on the fly...or quick enough not to stop herself from saying harmful things. Bad things have happened to her, but she's never been quite on the pulse nor interested in being the front of anything substantial. She didn't really fight back during her SuperBowl incident. People came to her aid. I don't think it negates any sympathy she deserved, but it does highlight that being famous doesn't mean you make good choices. Lainey made this point about Justin, but I just don't have it in me to give him leeway.

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I believe that's, for the most part, true. But beyond that, these are rich people. I'm not sure that she or her family grasp how catastrophic it will be for millions of people of all ethic groups if Trump regains power. And why should they bother to try to grasp it, it won't touch them, they have the ability to go where they want and do as they please, money allows them freedom not afforded to the rest of us. In this way, she and Justin are remarkably alike. Their only restraint is their desire to be perceived in a positive light. She may be so insulated that she doesn't grasp the fact that this damages how many will perceive her.

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She seemed to understand the meaning of mayhem, but she's in London (living or there on a tour stop) so I don't know that any of this will touch her. She really needed to just skip the question. How she's perceived is a consequence of whatever her publicists are or are not doing. I really hate to agree with Pharrell, but he was right about not asking celebrities about their thoughts on politics. I find this as dumb as Jennifer Lawrence saying the dumb things she said aloud on the record (but being pat on the head for finally figuring out regular things). Filing these people as entertainment value, and being surprised when they are coherent is all I have left for them. This mess Janet made is not shocking to me. I don't know if I care that she doesn't get it. It's important that I know she was wrong and the ways she was incorrect. I never expected her to be with it in the first place. She can talk to me about hotel room service. Airport lounges. Hair stylists. Learning dance moves. But the ethnicity of an elected official? I don't know that she would be winning Celebrity Jeopardy either. She does one thing. Not two.

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I'm with you.

I am reserving a little of my annoyance for the Guardian because why are you even asking this question, Janet is "political" not political, and she hasn't even really been that since Rhythm Nation.

I also when I first saw the headline, and still to a certain extent, think this is also part of that "biracial people aren't really Black" thing that we see all the time (I'm Black biracial myself so I know that dance very well.) And also the way that US racial groupings don't account well for the diversity of Asian Americans (see also, Bruno Mars). So to hear this all went back to some weird conspiracy theory her brother heard, and to see them cancelling the apology, is very disappointing though not hugely surprising to be honest.

And also, of course, sooooooo close to 45's talking points that are trying to pull Black men into voting for him, which is itself very scary.

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I agree with every word of this. It saddens me.

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16 hrs agoLiked by Jacek

Curtis Jackson is not a hero, but he's not the bad guy in this situation. Do I want to see his doc? Kinda. I don't feel many good ways about him and his trolling. Andrea is correct about the homophobia, but Diddy was abusing those guys. It was forced. Drugs were involved. Not sure if that is what Curtis cared about. The least he could do is the documentary. Does it makes up for his 50-11 TV shows that fit a certain narrative that certain parts of Hollywood love to dispense? Nope. OPPORTUNIST. A broke clock does things, so here we are. There was a former writer from VIBE (Danyel Smith - https://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/12/magazine/diddy-sean-combs.html USE your paywall aversion skills if you have them) that shared her scary story. It's not just that people knew, but that he was FEARED and would follow through on his threats. He blew up someone's car that was also famous. No police. I'm glad Sarah mentioned Weinstein because he was also good for a solidly violent follow through. He covered his tracks, and RECORDED his misdeeds like a proper movie heel or suspect in SVU. Tressie McMillan Cottom is on the Matter of Opinion discussing her VF profile thoughts about the reason Sean requested the profile. That he had his ears to the internet and decided a rebrand was a good move. He never learned to burn evidence, but he had the instinct to glossy mag wash his reputation? Great for the feds, but why is he not smarter? I don't want him to be smarter, but I wonder why someone who was so detailed in covering things up never considered getting rid of his archives? Then we'd have to discuss how the abuse of Black women is not viewed as very harmful in comparison with another group in the eyes of authorities. Jeffrey Dahmer abused men, but men of color if I recall correctly. He knew the way it went. There's an episode of A Different World (episode title "Love Taps") where the character (Deon) reminds you of Sean and if you know he went to Howard around the time this show was airing maybe...MAYBE the writers were writing about him. Debbie Allen is a Howard alum, and she loved to do things from the real world. Partner abuse on a college campus is not uncommon, but a rapper with abusive tendencies on a campus that mimics HOWARD?? Coincidence or conspiracy? Ratchet & Respectable goes over Sean's crimes and also has asides from the whispers of the street while addressing how the women in his family are being offered up as a sacrifice to prove he's not harmful to society (even their passports). The hubris to think he'd be able to walk out without jail and set up bail, then claim to be treated unfairly...is why laughs come up because he has to be joking. He's so serious, and it's astounding.

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Will check out the Tressie McMillan Cottom interview, I love her work!! I wondered about his archives too. Although I saw (NBC Florida on TikTok) that the day his house was raided (before the arrest) his plane took off towards the Caribbean and then circled back. I felt like that might have been an ocean dump of some things? The music journalist Touré has been talking about his decades of history interviewing Diddy and he felt that basically Diddy is a far cry from who he was ten years ago. Touré said the drug use has been catching up to him. Idk if that’s true, but might account for the hubris?

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Wow! Lainey writing fiction /having another book baby is such exciting news. I read and own a copy of Lainey’s Listen to the Squawking chicken. It’s one of my favourite memoirs and the writing is warm and witty. I keep her next to Obama on the bookshelf. Seems right.

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I have a signed copy of the Squawking Chicken that I lent to a friend and NEVER GOT BACK 😭😭😭😭😭

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19 hrs ago·edited 18 hrs ago

50 Cent is just like Kendrick Lamar and Drake: women are the pawns with which men wage war against their enemies. 50 Cent has a record of misogyny and recently sided with Tory Lanez against Megan Thee Stallion. 50 Cent is no hero. This isn't just hateration, it's part of the elemental misogyny (especially against black women) in hip hop and hip hop beefs. This is a significant omission from the post.

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This is an excellent point, Ksenia. As is Andrea's point about the homophobia, which I think we'll only see more of as more stories come out. I was trying to have a little fun on a Friday, but I think I missed the mark. Although if Jackson really does donate the proceeds from the doc to Diddy's survivors, that's would be good. It won't make up for everything else, but it's more than a lot of people have done/are doing.

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As a white guy I find it difficult commenting on this part of Black culture, which hip-hop is obviously interwoven with (and this is no shot at you Ksenia as you make a great point), even though I highly dislike this element of the music as well. I know there are roots in this form of expression that go well past my understanding of what it means to be Black so I think this is part of my hesitation to comment, but if I put that aside for one moment and just give my perspective from my white, male chair, I also dislike how women are used in male hip hop and wonder what has kept this discussion from expanding in ways similar to #Metoo, the George Floyd fallout, and other social causes.

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19 hrs agoLiked by Jacek

There’s also homophobia in 50 cent’s issue with Sean. The clips I saw prior to this blowing up were Diddy messes with guys and that’s why 50 stays away from it.

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Yes 50 Cent is trash and has never shown women respect, but Kendrick? Why is someone with a lifelong relationship and deep lyrical commitment to unraveling toxic masculinity in the same group as Drake and 50 Cent?

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Exactly. I was thinking this the entire time. He loves to drag a black woman. He's a menace. He's disrespectful, and that's not even about music. The man is a troll to his own children. This particular situation is a highlight among his transgressions. No one is all bad, and mostly he's an opportunist. Kendrick's way of speaking about women and how Drake abuses them is not the same (to me) as Drake's disrespect. Could he have used less derogatory words to describe these women? Yes. Yet, it was more of a pep talk of stop letting this perv use you...get some self respect. He had the benefit of already admitting his own sins on prior work per other write ups so I think what started as a fun rap beef...got detailed and ultimately buried (temporarily) the pop rap-ish guy from the TV show. Curtis did apologize to Meghan. The damage is done though.

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I so appreciate the idea of you writing more! Sign me up for a preorder! 🙋‍♀️

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As I have said previously, I am all in on the Diddy stuff and cannot wait for 50 cent's doc. Kat Williams has also been talking about him for years. I saw somewhere where a legal expert was saying that we are going to get NAMES this time vs Epstein where we didn't. The reason being that with Epstein, it was a lot government heads so the influence on US government to keep the list hush was very high. With Diddy though, it's celebrities so this person thinks we will hear about it but it might take years.

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100% on your point about Epstein and names. I also fully believe he was 'taken care of' in that jail cell so that no one would be dragged down with him from the highest places in governments.

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That's kind of my point. He's already in the system and there's a court case pending so whatever comes out is probably going to happen as we go through phases like discovery and trial etc. unlike Weinstein where it was like once that bottle was uncorked, it seemed to give everyone the security to come forward and tell their stories all at once.

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I would love names, but I’m not as optimistic. I don’t know, I just feel like Diddy’s mentors like Clive Davis and Ray Dalio are very powerful people, government or no…. Idk, yesterday I was wondering if homophobia was just something they invented for kompromat. Like, is this why they invented it? To have something to hold over powerful men?

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I feel like 50 Cent is Jim Derogatis in the Diddy tragedy. Yelling into the void for years until nature finally abhorred the vacuum of no repercussions.

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Although now reading through the comments, I feel like it's an insult to Jim Derogatis to compare him to 50 Cent. My apologies for my ignorance.

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I am avoiding to read/comment/speculate on Diddy. I am trying... But I want to see 50 cent's doc. And Josh Johnson is great!

Great mailbag!

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Josh found the perfect workaround for posting clips online, which comedians are strongly encouraged to do, by including the topical segment in his act and posting that instead of the material he's polishing. It's turned into one of my favorite things to watch every week.

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Ooooh I did not know this. I haven’t seen him live! I thought we were watching the material and I wasn’t sure how to turn it into a special? I did not know there are parallel tracks!!!

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Lainey, I am THRILLED you gave Brian Grubb a shout out. I have been a fan of his since his defunct podcast with TV critic Alan Sepinwall (TV Avalanche) years ago. I have no idea if you can still find this podcast out there, but his recaps for the bonkers tv show Zoo still make me laugh when I think about them. I'm enjoying his writing at Vulture and I hope it gets him a bigger audience!

I also miss The Toast. I wish there was a way to find their archives online somewhere.

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The toast is still online! The-toast.net

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It was Sarah with the heavy lifting on this mailbag but we appreciate the love either way!

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2 items

1) I play casual games on my iPad and I see advertisements for Apple TV all the time, which is why I actually used my activation code from buying something, because I finally realized that one show they advertised was Godzilla-related.

2) I must have been watching the Josh Johnson takedown of Diddy for like 10 minutes, marveling at how pretty this kid is, before I wondered if this is the same Josh Johnson that's a regular on Trevor Noah's podcast. I'd pictured a much older black man with a beard, for some reason!

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Adding on, Apple marketing to people already using their devices tracks.

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Josh Johnson is VERY handsome.

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His face is beautiful and delicate and angular and lovely. Good genes, that one.

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I preface this with saying I admire Sarah’s writing but this mailbag re: 50 cent and Puffy rubbed me the wrong way. 50 is a misogynist and homophobic and a troll and in my opinion should not be lauded the way you have have done re: this Puff situation. He posts crass instagram posts for laughs and I can’t take him seriously. For someone to follow on this situation I recommend Naima Cochrane’s twitter. She is so smart and knowledgeable re: the music industry, specifically hip hop and music.

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Thanks for the answer - I'm looking forward to that novel someday!!

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Wow such a great mailbag, Sarah! With input from Jacek and Lainey, of course.

Even though the Diddy stuff has made me so sick, I do look forward to 50 Cent’s documentary exposing him and all those who enabled his behavior and participated in his horrific behavior. Josh Jackson’s stand up routine about it was also 💯— watched ten minutes and while hearing people hysterical at the mention of 1,000 bottles of lube made my stomach turn, his delivery and the way he exposes “the devil with many names” is an A+.

Also agree about Apple+ solid programming and marketing strategy! I’m much more likely to watch something after I hear recommendation from a friend or the Squawk versus an ad, no matter how compelling it is with so much content to watch these days. That being said, y’all turned me on to Bad Monkey, and it is awesome, I’m all caught up. (Vince Vaughn’s best role, bar none, even Swingers.) Slow Horses is up next…

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Pour one out for The Toast (and also the short lived The Butter). I fully referenced the "how to buy a car" piece to my husband the other day. One of the better things that happened on the Internet and clearly too pure for this world.


And in honor of SMA season - https://the-toast.net/2015/11/23/david-beckham-sexiest-man-alive/

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Speaking on 50 Cent's campaign against Diddy: Petty WORKS!

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Speaking of Apple TV, maybe they are making moves? Just today Vulture put out a ranking of most of Apple's shows which is the most attention I've seen thrown to Apple outside of recaps and mentions in their streaming tv column. https://archiveofourown.org/works/59019067/chapters/150458833#workskin

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