I adore Fiona Apple and have always wanted to see her live, but I've also read how much she dreads/hates touring, so part of me would also feel bad about purchasing a ticket if the opportunity arose. Like...I know I'd be putting money in her pocket, and I'm very stoked to do that, but would I also be contributing to the downfall of her m…
I adore Fiona Apple and have always wanted to see her live, but I've also read how much she dreads/hates touring, so part of me would also feel bad about purchasing a ticket if the opportunity arose. Like...I know I'd be putting money in her pocket, and I'm very stoked to do that, but would I also be contributing to the downfall of her mental health? What does a roomful of scrutinizing eyes do to a person with palpable anxiety, even if they're trained to perform? What if someone throws a phone or a grapefruit or something at her? Ultimately, I guess I'd rather have her in my earbuds while I go for a walk, though the experience of being in an auditorium with a singer you revere is a pretty special one.
I'm actually wondering how imperative touring is for a musician's career these days. I think that it was paramount for artists to hop around the world to play for audiences decades ago, but maybe there's a much closer bridge between musicians and their fans in 2024, and it's not nearly as necessary. I do think some people must thrive on an audience's energy. Taylor Swift absolutely LOVES it, lives for it, and you can tell. With other artists, not so much. And I don't blame them.
Honestly, I'm one of those Olds who typically leaves concerts quaking with disgust because of all the loudass chit-chatting and view-destroying phones held aloft. I think the last concert I attended was a Neko Case show, and she's not one to let an audience act like a bunch of assholes.
And I'm just going to say it: I'm stuck on the flatulence. Thank you, Lainey, for devoting multiple descriptive paragraphs to this topic. Perhaps Will Smith holds in his more inconsequential toots until they blossom and bellow into the kind of farts that shock those in their vicinity with their velocity. Actors are people who are presumably around other people a lot during their workday, so they probably don't get many chances to slip around a corner and surreptitiously release the hounds, so to speak.
Ask a group of vegetarians, and I think you'll find that we're just as skilled at blowing out a room as any meat-eating action star dude. I wonder if it also has to do with fiber, as opposed to just protein? Fruits and veggies can really make a gal gassy to the extreme.
But really, I just want Natalie Portman to chime in.
I do think for a lot of artists that aren't Taylor or Beyonce they do have to tour because streaming (which is how most people get their music today) barely makes them any money. The general thing I've heard from industry types is pre streaming all your money as an artist came from album sales, now post streaming it all comes from tours.
I adore Fiona Apple and have always wanted to see her live, but I've also read how much she dreads/hates touring, so part of me would also feel bad about purchasing a ticket if the opportunity arose. Like...I know I'd be putting money in her pocket, and I'm very stoked to do that, but would I also be contributing to the downfall of her mental health? What does a roomful of scrutinizing eyes do to a person with palpable anxiety, even if they're trained to perform? What if someone throws a phone or a grapefruit or something at her? Ultimately, I guess I'd rather have her in my earbuds while I go for a walk, though the experience of being in an auditorium with a singer you revere is a pretty special one.
I'm actually wondering how imperative touring is for a musician's career these days. I think that it was paramount for artists to hop around the world to play for audiences decades ago, but maybe there's a much closer bridge between musicians and their fans in 2024, and it's not nearly as necessary. I do think some people must thrive on an audience's energy. Taylor Swift absolutely LOVES it, lives for it, and you can tell. With other artists, not so much. And I don't blame them.
Honestly, I'm one of those Olds who typically leaves concerts quaking with disgust because of all the loudass chit-chatting and view-destroying phones held aloft. I think the last concert I attended was a Neko Case show, and she's not one to let an audience act like a bunch of assholes.
And I'm just going to say it: I'm stuck on the flatulence. Thank you, Lainey, for devoting multiple descriptive paragraphs to this topic. Perhaps Will Smith holds in his more inconsequential toots until they blossom and bellow into the kind of farts that shock those in their vicinity with their velocity. Actors are people who are presumably around other people a lot during their workday, so they probably don't get many chances to slip around a corner and surreptitiously release the hounds, so to speak.
Ask a group of vegetarians, and I think you'll find that we're just as skilled at blowing out a room as any meat-eating action star dude. I wonder if it also has to do with fiber, as opposed to just protein? Fruits and veggies can really make a gal gassy to the extreme.
But really, I just want Natalie Portman to chime in.
I do think for a lot of artists that aren't Taylor or Beyonce they do have to tour because streaming (which is how most people get their music today) barely makes them any money. The general thing I've heard from industry types is pre streaming all your money as an artist came from album sales, now post streaming it all comes from tours.
Everybody Farts (given to me as a bridesmaid gift) that said vegetarian diet = volume, meat eaters = stink. Should we question the elephant?
Damn, it’s The Gas We Pass, not Everybody Farts. Guess I need to go read it again.