The ring camera thing really grosses me out because 1) spying????? And 2) the way smart tech can be weaponized against us in legal settings is frightening. I have a friend involved in a divorce case (as a lawyer, not one of the divorcees) that is using smart thermostat records to determine if people were home when the wife claimed to be out to verify cheating. Like! Privacy is GONE!

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Anyway team Sophie and I still don't know what a Jonas Brothers song sounds like.

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Bwwah ha! There is a TikTok showing the "Ring camera footage" and it is someone pretending to be Sophie Turner rolling home and totally bopping along to a Harry Styles tune! Hilarious.

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Team Sophie all the way! My thoughts are he is handling it terribly, he already seems like a spoiled baby.

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My only and favorite reference to a Jonas is the epic south park episode about them, their promise rings, and Disney’s marketing conspiracy to sell sex to preteen girls.

Bonus performance of Mickey Mouse as their abusive and violent manager!!

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Absolutely no idea!

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Why is everyone dumping on CIS white man here? We never get a break!

(I'm totally joking so please don't)

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I'm not convinced that Joe is trying to get ahead of something coming out about him. Like for sure, that's where our gossip-trained brains go but more often than not, MONEY is the source of conflict. They're saying that there's an iron-clad pre-nup, but Joe is worth a lot more than Sophie. And I wonder if she might in their divorce be asking for some financials. And this is the way he's trying to protect his bank account.

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Money, custody, but most of all, ego. My anecdotal experience is that in acrimonious splits men will fight hard for custody even if they don't really want it and have shown little interest in child-raising until the divorce. Sometimes it's about control, sometimes its about punishing the wife if she's the one who wants out, and sometimes it's cover because they know they're not going to get it, but they can then create a narrative about being aggrieved and victimized. For an entitled (and religious) man, the public seeing you get divorced and your ex take the kids back to England is a big ego blow - it seems like you're not a great husband OR father, I imagine is the (dumb) narrative his PR folks are trying to get ahead of. But if she's perceived as the one at fault, then he can play the victim - of his wife and the courts (the judge in the Danny Masters case really nailed it on that). Only evidence and hard financial data are going to come into play in the legal decisions, so all this press is simply to court public opinion.

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I remember they sold their house in Miami in April of this year, and this website had already trained me to pay attention to celebrity real estate! So this wasn't quite a shocker to me. I always thought she was too good for him.

The saddest part was that I knew that neighborhood as a kid in the 80s and I can't believe how high the property has gone. It was Good but not Great back then, older homes for people with money (but not MONEY) that were surrounded by a rough inner city. My own childhood home wasn't too far away and that has also become a millionaire's neighborhood (but yknow just a single million)

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I am baffled at his strategy - but at the same time - how is it different from what Costner/Pitt/Depp have done to their partners? I Can see why he is following that playbook but I am also loving how people are not falling for it

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He is definitely following the same playbook! i think a major contributing factor is the "weight" he pulls in Hollywood (or lack thereof). Costner/Pitt/Depp have a lot of pull and are very powerful men. While Joe Jonas certainly has a certain level of influence, he doesn't come close and I think that's why more people are comfortably calling him out for the misogyny.

Let's only hope the discourse leans more this way no matter how high up the ladder the offender finds himself.

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I haven’t stopped thinking about it all week really - and I think it comes down to two things.

1) we saw the Jonás brothers grow up - and have seen their BS - the purity rings, the hypocrisy- from close and for many years. They don’t have the social capital or mystery that Pitt and the others have cultivated.

2) the roll out has been rushed and intense - the PR for this is absolutely terrible. I think Pitt and Depp took years to fully convert people to their side - and it wasn’t non stop leaks in 1 week to tmz - it was a much more subtle...

I am very amused by the staged paparazzi pictures though - and how even TMZ is saying he didn’t support her during her last post-partum...

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I agree with all this, and also think the age of most people who know who Joe Jonas is plays a factor. They’re younger and less inclined to be pulled in by the f*ckery Depp and Pitt’s [older] fans are.

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Saw a tweet that said Joe Jonas’ main fan base is millennial women and millennial women will never turn on Sansa Stark. I mean, facts.

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Not to mention there's a whole bunch of Swifties who would be happy to see "Mr Perfectly Fine" get his comeuppance and you know they've got the attention to detail to put together every clue and bit of evidence

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Definitely. Who has had more people enjoy their work? Joe Jonas, eye roll. Or SANSA STARK! I'm a Millenial and couldn't name a Jonas song. Many more than the millenials were obsessed with GOT.

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Well, I couldn't name a Jonas song, either, and wouldn't have been able to tell you any of their names until Nick married Piryanka Chopra. And his name sticks because he's at least marginally cute and seems to have some semblance of a personality. The other two are 2 dimensional hangers-on. I think the whole game plan here is for Joe to garner attention while he still can. Sophie Turner is the only reason anyone can identify him. Now that the marriage is done he will sink back into the background, never to be seen or heard from again.

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I can't remember the source, but when I first saw this break on Twitter a poster suggested that Joe must have done some really shady sh*t to go this aggressive this quickly. Respect for Sophie and her maturity in handling this, but it reeks of a PR strategy that is trying to get ahead of something

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OMG This! "Like I read that story at TMZ about how Joe might have “caught” Sophie doing something that she wasn’t supposed to be doing and my first reaction was… WHY IS HE F-CKING SPYING ON HER?! " <---- My reaction exactly.

I told my husband about this because I must keep him abreast of all things celebrity gossip and he said "So she was working after pumping out babies and he's not supporting her in that? He's acting like he has to go on stage with the kids in a Baby Bjorn every night. Congratulations to him?"

It's also all very much in line with the Tradwife trends right now. https://www.thecut.com/2023/09/tradwife-content-influencers-conservative-ideology.html

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OMG the tradwife thing! between that and the thing that went viral a few weeks ago with that woman who was like "i have to protect my husband from seeing Flo Pugh's tits in Oppenheimer" ...what is happening out there?!

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Totally thinking about Tradwife stuff here! I mean, Joe's dad is a pastor, they wore purity rings for years - it doesn't seem like such a stretch to think they might have really conservative ideas about the roles of wives and mothers.

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This is a great point.

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in regards to the Ring story - don't bring it up if you're not going to say what was sooooo terrible. because it's so vague that people will fill in the gaps (he must have seen her with another man, etc) to make her seem worse.

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The talking point I keep seeing pushed on Twitter and other blogs is that he saw her abusing the kids.

He is so disgusting.

I think he is going to go for full custody and smearing her is how he is going about it.

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The kids he says he's been taking care of (sob) alone for the past months? How can she be abusing kids she apparently hasn't seen??

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Why do people make stuff up like abuse? Honestly, if that were the case then why keep it from the public? Something that serious would definitely have people on his side. The cops would be involved surely!! He planted this story for that exact reason. He knew people would run with the worst unsubstantiated option.

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Maybe he is just saying it to make her look bad but didn’t actually see anything specifically.

Or my other thought was he saw what time she came home from the wrap party.

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I did not know about tradwives until that Cut article and am so grossed out by it!

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It's absolutely gross. Painting her as a "bad mom" is gonna backfire. And if you read some of the thread on his instagram, it's already happening. As a mom, we have lives outside of our children. Thinking that he's a better parent because he watches his kids is disingenuous. It's his job to be a parent. Does he want a hero cookie??

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right? maybe he shouldn't have planned a tour at the same time that she had work scheduled for months for the first time in awhile!

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Exactly. And I hope he feels the wrath of the Internet. I'm a petty b***h.

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He’s such a turd. They’ve always been so private about their kids and suddenly he’s being papped eating out w them? It’s so obvious 🤮 she’s better off without him

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The pap walk was so gross. Especially when you consider how vigilent they were about their kids' privacy since they were born. Hardly any pap shots of them at all. And now that Joe needs "good PR" suddenly he's spotted out with them? Gross

Also, I grew up Evangelical the same denomination in NJ and am a year older than Kevin. Our denomination used to do a statewide youth retreat where kids from all over the state came for the weekend. The Jonas Brothers were always in attendance playing their music and EVERYONE HATED THEM because they were so full of themselves. Like, they thought they were hot shit and I remember all my friends being like "you guys are kind of dorky? But okay"

When they blew up a few years later I was so mad so I'm also viewing this in a Karmic lense that teenage me can finally laugh in Joe's face.

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I really think he underestimated how much people love her and don't really care about him. I didn't even watch GOT and adore her.

plus, it's an extremely obvious strategy, and there's no evidence to back it up. no photos of her out other than one wrap party. no photos (except for these new obviously staged pap shots) of him parenting solo. like... I'm not buying it!

I think this has the potential to turn into a very ugly custody battle (esp because I think she's going to want to go back to the UK), and he's trying to get ahead of it by painting her as an absent, partying mother. GROSS.

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Misogyny at its finest. The only reason I believe he's taking this tactic is to keep her from being able to move back across the pond with the kids. Obviously, it's a disgusting move. The receipts are coming though. There's an interview in which she says that she's the introvert and he's the social butterfly. It was during the pandemic. She said that the pandemic allowed her to have more time with him because he was always on the move. Something along those lines. I hope she stays silent. Classy AF.

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Sep 7, 2023
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Plus FL is notoriously awful to moms. I immediately knew what he was up to when I saw where he filed. My friend's son was murdered by her ex because judges refused to listen to her when she said he was a dangerous man. She was "hysterical" and overreacting. I will NEVER EVER EVER have a child in Florida or move there with a child after that horror story.

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My heart goes out to your friend. I’m so sorry.

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The audacity to paint her as the one who is out partying when there’s MULTIPLE videos of him saying she’s the homebody. Does he not understand how the internet works??

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I’ve literally seen headlines for both “Sophie is terrible and an unreliable partner” AND “Sophie is too much of a homebody for social Joe.” That PR team may be active but they are a MESS

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But also, this narrative is so reductive. What if she was a homebody, but then had two kids in relative quick succession (during a pandemic), is in her mid-twenties, and is finally getting back to work and wanting to let loose a bit. Nothing wrong with that - unless you're Joe it would seem.

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In some ways this feels so small-time to me. We all know someone who has divorced and had their in-laws - who they previously had a great relationship with - completely close ranks and turn on them. This feels like JJ is being reassured at every turn that he’s so in the right by his family and team and so the stories keep coming.

WHO is advising him that a pap stroll with your kids is a good idea? 2002?!

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There's also an element to this that feels like a sneak attack; like he filed for divorce without telling her first. I don't think that's actually the case but that's what all this aggressive PR feels like a response to. I don't know what went on in their marriage and it's none of my business but he's making it everyone's business by going hard like this and by doing so, he's making himself look really bad. Even if he comes out and says that his PR people went rogue or something, I don't believe for one second that he didn't have knowledge of the message they were putting out if not actively crafting it himself.

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I hope TS releases a Joe Jonas tear down song from the vault on Sophie’s behalf

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I just find it funny that he’s aiming for Super-Dad when there’s a literal nanny in the photos?! He couldn’t even take the girls out on his own for a pap-stroll? He had to have the nanny there? Hilarious!

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Can you imagine how much she’d likely get dragged if she did the same? I mean, she never would but it puts the BS double-standard in stark relief.

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It makes me wonder about the specifics of “he’s been caring for the kids for 2 months”.

Keeping the kids with him when she’s on set seems reasonable. She’ll probably work long hours and he’ll have more time to spend with them. That’s not heroic, it’s just common sense?

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My favorite thing about this is how ON IT Twitter has been in interpreting his PR strategy as moving way too fast, way too aggressively. I don't think I've seen a single take that takes his spin at face value. Which I LOVE.

His approach is such a weird unforced error...it's giving "my 'I'm completely innocent and have done nothing shady whatsoever' tshirt is raising a lot of questions already answered by my tshirt." Which, now I'm wondering why. Is he / his team misjudging, or behind the times, as to what will fly as savvy divorce PR? Is he just blindly misogynist and not even thinking about it? Or is there something here that actually is forcing a statement, and he's panicking / throwing everything at the wall?

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I agree--I love that so many people immediately side-eyed this, to the point that outlets like Vogue and Rolling Stone are running stories about the backlash to his PR strategy. I don't know if I've ever seen anything like this before, but it's really refreshing.

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Yes! It does feel really good. And now I'm trying to think, *have* there been other cases where people call bullshit so swiftly on a celeb husband's divorce narrative like this? I can't think of one immediately...

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Perhaps after we've seen these narratives play out in the media before, it's much easier to spot what Jonas and his PR team are trying to do? Or perhaps they were just being too obvious about it to ignore. It is all very interesting.

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@Kirthana - sorry to hijack your comment but just wanted to say I finished Advika last night and loved it. Also was a huge fan of Dava last year!

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Thank you so much! I really appreciate it, and I'm so glad you liked it.

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I do wonder if the main issue with his PR strategy is (sadly) the speed/aggression of it. I’d love us all to be at the place where we’re over the misogyny bullshit. But, if they had slowed down- started with the joint statement/“amicable”, done the #girldad paparazzi photos for a few weeks and then started to slowly drop some bad mom/partying too much sources, would he be getting called out on his bullshit?

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Great point. See, for example, Brad's PR team. The sad stories about his "struggles" with Miraval and the cute ones re: him and his gf make me vom.

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Great q. Probably way less so, sadly.

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Sep 7, 2023
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Hahaha YUP. And when you are 1/2 of a power couple and your divorce news is <24 hours old ... how did he somehow manage to Streisand it *on top of that* 😆

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Why does he keep doubling down on this smear approach despite people being wise to the tactic? Makes him misogynistic AND dumb.

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Reckon he’s been caught up to no good and he’s trying to get out in front before Sophie rains down hell upon him (hopefully haha)

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I think he's trying to paint her in a negative light so she will just agree to a 50/50 custody agreement which will force her to stay in the US with them. Without it she could take them to the UK where she has wanted to be for a long time.

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Someone on reddit speculated that the Ring cam thing is an SEO trick, to drown out the various articles and posts about Joe wearing / not wearing his ring on tour. Personally this feels like a PR team somehow teleported from 2013 to 2023, and don't realize how much more generally PR-savvy (and tired of the madonna/whore complex) people are now.

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I was weirdly actually starting to think he was quite ‘hot’ and well, now, he is 100% absolutely f**king not…This guy is an absolute douche. I hope Sophie and her team are putting together an A+ game plan.

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Not a surprise for those of us Jonas Brothers fans who saw the breakup of Joe and Demi happen back in 2010 with terrible rumors obviously being sold to the media. This isn’t his first rodeo trying to paint his partners as unfit and troubled women. He needed to distance himself to save their image because of the rumors surrounding Demi at the time and her mental health/substance abuse. They were still wholesome Disney boys with their purity rings. In 2023 though? The public is far too media savvy to clock these tricks and Joe has seriously underestimated how BELOVED Sophie is

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All I can think is...what did Joe do? What is he getting ahead of? Also - Sophie must be listening to Mr. Perfectly Fine on repeat.

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this guy thought we went through Johnny Depp and Brad Pitt legal crap online and wouldn't smell a hit job with all the regular sexist methods and spins... honey

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He's a pig and I hope his demented woman-shaming PR campaign heralds his downfall.

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I think JJ is a complete asshole. And this whole media dump says to me that he is trying to come up ahead. I think Sophie has been working for a couple months overseas and went out one time for a wrap party.

The pics of JJ, 2 kids and the nanny and all the blackgrid photos are just an obvious old play book move to make Sophie look bad and try to paint him in a good light.

Maybe more will come out from Sophie’s camp. Or maybe she will stay quiet and let JJ take the L.

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TMZ just posted a story about how Joe forced her to go to an event when she wasn’t doing great postpartum so her side is fighting back.

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If I were working on another continent away from my children I would be partying my ass off!!! What a perfect time to do such an activity. Your responsibility is to go to work, do your job and your kids are being well cared for far away. She's in her 20s, in those days I partied and went to work the next day frequently.

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I am so aghast on her behalf. Filing now, when he has the kids in the US she is working for the first time in forever, abroad? He’s a crazy control freak AND so callous. And I almost feel like attempting to trigger PPA/PPD (whether an episode or onset), given what she has been through with her mental health.

I’m not surprised he’s been surveilling her based on the way he’s briefing TMZ; she’s been through it. Poor woman. Wishing her nothing but strength.

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He's a scumbag! I'm so glad that no one is buying what he's selling!

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What a mess. Does he really think subjecting her to all of this endears him to the public he’s trying to court? I feel badly for the nanny in those pics (and any other nannies on their staff). Both parents would be her boss and having her participate in this nonsense puts her in such a shitty position. And to have all this chronicled for your kids to look up later is just awful.

This might be my Virgo mindset but I kinda hope she keeps quiet publicly and doesn’t escalate this online battle. If she doesn’t lash out publicly all the noise he makes will not help how. Then she can quietly eviscerate him during their proceedings. Wishing her strength and grace.

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I think if he is doing this not only is he trying to get ahead of some bad stuff of his own, he wants to ruin her ˋbrand’. She is an up and coming young actor that can get partnerships with brands and I think he’s trying to tarnish her name to ruin her future livelihood. All the more to make her dependent of him.

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I think it's so gross that he would allow this narrative to play out about her after the joint statement. Eventually their kids are going to be old enough to see how this all played out. Rule number one of divorce with children involved is don't talk shit about the other parent.

Also feels soooo obvious and desperate to trot the kids out after being so fiercely protective of their presence in the media before.

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It’s giving big Tom Cruise energy. “Nic knows what she did.” Turns out, she was blindsided! I hope the same hasn’t happened to Sophie. I commend her for putting her kids first and not playing this dirty media game. Imagine your husband going through these lengths to stop you from moving to the UK?!

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It embarrasses me to say it but when I read “ring cam”, my first thought was that it was some kind of celibacy/sex spy gadget and I was horrified (why is it a ring? Camera?) … I guess I never got past their chastity rings or whatever from a thousand years ago? Anyhow, still gross and if he isn’t behind it SAY SOMETHING, JOE! Don’t pretend you don’t see where this is going! p.s. thank you for all sharing this time with me! Way to go, Lainey and team!

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When I first heard the news of this break up I was actually really disappointed because I thought they made an amazing couple. Then because I'm not an idiot and I saw how certain "sources" were framing this like Sophie was an absentee parent, I was like are you f**cking serious? Like Joe Jonas is the sole caretaker for his girls while he's on tour? He doesn't have a nanny? WTF? It's called parenting for Christ's sake. As a working single mother myself when my son was growing up, I don't have time for this bulls**t narrative. It's not going to work. Anyone with a brain can see what's happening here and it's not going to go how he thinks it's going to go. Please, sit down JJ and get your s**t together and stop sh*tting all over the mother of your children.

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I’m pretty sure he couldn’t even stage the “candid photos of lunch” without having the nanny there LOL.

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Vogue is far more on point than People magazine. They keep showing him as the doting dad.


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I hope no one is buying this smear campaign... And Buzzfeed, thank you for this: https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/stephaniesoteriou/taylor-swift-song-joe-jonas-strategic-good-guy-divorce

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I have never cared for the Jonas Bros. And, Joe has chosen the wrong atmosphere to throw his wife under a bus. Women are NOT going to tolerate a man’s aggressive controlling behavior in this day and age and it’s about time. Enough is enough. What in the world did Sophie see in him? He isn’t masculine at all and regardless of his holy man persona that he is pushing not everyone is stupid enough to buy it. I will bet this has something to do with that prenup along with he wanting his way one way or another. Someone should change his nappy and hand him a rattle. He is using those children to get what he wants. What a wussy.

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Joe Jonas has deployed an obvious playbook when it comes to managing the media during a divorce -- discredit and build your own personal brand at the expense of your former spouse. We are seeing that with Kevin Costner and his ex and Joe has decided to "win" the battle by completely taking his ex wife down with rumours and conjecture. It's not going to work and he's showing up creepy and manipulative AF -- bad, bad strategy Joe!

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I think Joe Jonas is in the same category as Justin Timberlake---bye, bye, bye! Whatever happened to kindness, respect, humility?

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My working theory is that they feel their minivan majority target audience would be scandalized by a divorce, so and how better to appeal to that audience than to portray Sophie as an absentee mother?

We'll see how it continues to roll out, and there's definitely weird control issues with the Ring camera, but right now I feel like it's avoiding perceived divorce stigma more than anything custody or financial.

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I remember seeing interviews that Sophie did back in the GOT days, candidly talking about her debilitating anxiety. How she never wanted to leave the house, panic attacks, the whole 9 yards. So I find it very difficult to believe that she’s a partier all of a sudden. Someone who goes out to celebrate the end of a big job with her co-workers? Sure. But an absent mother/party girl? Not a chance.

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I forget where I read it, but someone said with the divorce she might be thinking about returning to England with the kids. If that's the case, he may be trying to dig up shit or smear her so a judge will refuse to let her take the kids out of the country. So Olivia Wilde/Jason Sudekis Part 2.

The only people who lose in something like that are the kids.

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Team Sophie here!

Personally, with how much his team is putting out there, it feels like they’re trying to paint her in a bad picture because he probably did some shady ass shit and wants fans to believe she’s the villain when he really is.

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The ring camera reminds me of this one creepy spouse on Dr Phil who tracked his wife’s every move🤮 also, i wonder if they hired Laura Wasser to divorce em as she seems to be the go-to for Hollywood celebs🤣

PS never realized a Jonas was still this relevant. I thought they were cool when i was like 10💩

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Also what happened to their chastity rings? LMFAO

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It’s SO sloppy!! He’s not new to fame but this has been very amateur behavior

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Ive seen similar things happen when couples split. But we see the women out and about with the kids. Showing that she is a great mom. But when it is the man out doing the exact same thing it is a different take. Lets use the same brush with both sexes. Not just a wider one when it the woman.

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It’s all just so GROSS. And cliche and sad and I had weirdly thought a Jonas might be above this? Naive?

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